A Community Service of the Rotary Club of Lake Chelan
We repurpose all types of used glass into useful products, which we provide to the City of Chelan for public works projects and sell to local residents for a modest fee to help fund our costs of operation.
911 Glass Rescue is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit under the Internal Revenue Code.
Glass is easily recycled and repurposed

The mission of 911 Glass Rescue is to “rescue” used glass from the landfill, thus also saving local landfills from early demise. Each year Americans dispose of 9-11 million tons of glass, mostly as trash, despite the fact that glass is easily recycled and repurposed into useful new products. Our operation “saves” both glass and landfill.

Transforming glass into new uses
With help from our partners, the City of Chelan, County of Chelan, and Washington Department of Ecology, as well as numerous generous sponsors, we purchased a state-of-the-art glass pulverizing system. Our Andela 05L system crushes 1-2 tons of glass per hour, turning it into a fine sand and an aggregate with rounded edges.
We are CLOSED until further notice. On July 24, 2024, a fire completely destroyed the City of Chelan Recycle Center, where we were housed for the past three years. The extent of the damage to our pulverizing system is as yet unknown. We are working to secure an alternate solution for glass repurposing at a future date. Stay tuned! We will update this site as we know more!
Our glass aggregate product is still available for purchase through Bob’s Apple Barrel Bark of Wenatchee and Chelan Manson. Contact Bob’s at 509-663-3833 (Wenatchee) or 509-687-2275 (Chelan/Manson). Website: www.applebarrelbark.com. Purchasing our remaining product is the best way to support us during this difficult time. Thank you for your understanding and continued support of our project!

Potential Uses for Glass Sand and Aggregate
Potential uses for pulverized glass range from decorative applications and art projects to landscaping/agricultural uses, water filtration, and more!
Art Projects
Glass Countertops
Septic Drainfields
Water Filtration
Our Partners & Sponsors